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French President Emmanuel Macron addresses a meeting with some 600 mayors of Occitania to relay their constituent's grievances on January 18, 2019 in Souillac, southern central France, as part of the "great national debate", a central plank of the Macron's bid to turn around his embattled presidency since the "yellow vest (gilets jaunes) movement protests. - Facing the biggest test of his presidency, the French president has launched a series of public forums inviting voters to express their concerns and hopes after two months of anti-government protests. The "Great National Debate", aimed at quelling the "yellow vest" (gilet jaunes) anger over inequality and the French president's perceived indifference to the struggles of rural and small-town France, will run for two months until March 15, 2019. (Photo by Ludovic MARIN / POOL / AFP) LUDOVIC MARIN

32 prosent mener at Emmanuel Macron er en god president, viser en måling gjennomført av Odoxa. Det er samme nivå som han lå på før protestbevegelsen «de gule vestene». Parallelt med at Macron har begynt å hente seg inn, mister «de gule vestene» støtte blant franskmennene. ©NTB

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